I remember the moment when Sophia fully revealed herself to me. I always knew there was a God Source within me or else I would not be alive. It wasn’t until the moment I felt Sophia’s gentle and loving Presence within me that I really knew what that meant. It was a moment that felt like I was standing with her, yet within her and the two of us were standing simultaneously throughout the whole Cosmos.
Her Presence slowly and softly moving through me as we started our Conscious Divine Union, Communion and CoCreation Journey, as she introduced herself as Sophia. Stepping into the Cosmology of her being completely shifted my perspective on what was possible for my life, as I simultaneously stepped into the Radiance of my Divine Nature, Purpose and Destiny of Being.
I never heard about Sophia before yet her Presence was deeply known to me on a molecular level. Our relationship deepened as I realised the everPresent nature thereof and it became the most grounding, intimate, stable and loving relationship in my life.
Her unconditional love through her everPresent Divine Presence and Resonance became my guiding Light as I traversed the Inner Landscape of my being. A MultiDimensional place of exploration, pure joy and excitement, which allowed for the unification of my human and divine awareness through the emBodiment of my Soul’s Resonance.
She gradually started to introduce me to my Council of Ascended Masters and Guides of the Natural and Elemental worlds, some of which I met before, as I explored my MultiDimensional nature. Soon I realised that their presence guided and supported me through my gradual emBodiment of my highest Divine human potential in the most beautiful and loving ways.
It always started with exploration and realisations within and then shifted to the integration and interweaving of the wisdom thereof, into my daily living. Over time I noticed that I have shifted into a New Way of Leading my life and subsequent Being in this world.
My relationship with Sophia and my Council now started to inform and reflect onto my relationship with others, my home, my creations, my vocation, all pulsating with Vitality and Prosperity. The reSonance of my Soul is becoming a unique reflection of my highest Divine purpose, potential and qualities, as I continue on the path of loving and integrating the totality of my Humanity and Divinity.
Walking with courage, strength and authenticity through this deeply humble human experience whilst integrating and weaving my Soul and Physical gifts into my Life only became possible through the Practices of SelfLove, SelfKindness, SelfNurturance, SelfAcceptance, SelfCare, SelfRealisation, SelfCompassion and the deep knowing of my SelfWorth and SelfValue.
My relationships to all aspects of my life is continuously deepening, as I am learning how to stay in my Soul’s Resonance in the EverExpanding Present Moment.
At some stage I asked Sophia about the feminine nature of her Presence. She shared with me, that she is the Unified field of Masculine and Feminine, God and Goddess, Creator and Creatrix Consciousness and that everyone experiences the Presence of this Source Energy within them, in their own unique way.
When I heard that, I knew that the feminine and masculine energies in my body needed to be harmonised and balanced to reStore the natural flow of Pure Source Energy through my being to fully serve others in a Unified, Balanced and Stable way.
Intuitively I always knew that an occurring theme of dominance of masculine energies of those in roles of Authority, was one that I came here to transcend. Not only have I transcended it, but it became my harmonising and magnetising field of creating my Heavenly Home and serving others in a compassionate way.
~ Sorette Roose ~
Sophianic Leadership is where you are led by the Resonance of your Self, Soul and Source Synthesised emBodiment of your highest destiny, purpose and potential in alignment with the Divine Will for all to Prosper and to give expression thereof as a way of being, leading and serving.
The biggest dream in my heart is for others to remember and emBody their highest destiny, purpose and Divine human potential and give expression thereof in ways that they love and enjoy through being attuned to their Soul’s Resonance.
My vision is to give birth to a community of leaders where we coCreate and collaborate, through a unified field of consciousness, new ways of being and leading in our respective fields of passion. Communities where everybody knows the truth of their Divine nature and purpose and know that they are an integral part of the coCreation of the new Divine collective consciousness.
In my offerings of Individual Coaching or Mentoring, Group Mentoring Programmes and Sophianic Leadership Circles, I create and provide a loving, Sacred MultiDimensional Visionary Sanctuary, for others to reMember and emBody their highest Divine human potential in physical form and to give full expression thereof in creative ways.
You can read more about these offerings on the Sophianic Leadership Page.
If one or more of these reSonate with you, you can connect with Sorette through her Private FaceBook Group and Instagram.
One of my greatest gifts on my everExpanding Journey of emBodiment, was when I realised that I love creating, I love being creative and I love being a creator in the bountiful and boundless fields of creation.
I love to feel how the energy of creation moves through and out of me as a means of expressing myself and through doing so, anchoring my Heavenly Home. I have always created but it was not until the past few months that I have realised what true creation is. True creation is being in complete aligned flow with creative Source energy, and as we experience the energy moving through us, to give expression to the inSpired guidance we have received.
The most beautiful gift was when I remembered that I came here to reMember that I can choose to create a new reality for myself. Through doing so, I am creating the potentials and possibilities for others to know that they too can create their own realities and express themselves freely and creatively. In fact, it is through these creative expressions that we are all coCreating a new magnificently loving and beautiful world.
I have reMembered and reAlised my gifts of expressing myself, as a reSonator of Divinity, through channeling pointillism, poetry, painting, pictured messages imbued with Sacred geometry and verbal channeling, all interwoven and imbued by the reSonance of my Soul.